Sunday Mornings
Worship Schedule
Church Services will be held at 8:30 am and 10:15 am
Sunday School 10:15 am
Summer Schedule
One Worship Service at 9:30 AM
Come join us in praising the LORD through scripture and song!
From 9W:
Whether you are traveling north or south, take the Clinton Avenue exit into Tenafly. Travel on East Clinton Avenue down the long hill and through the downtown(bear left at Mt. Carmel church) and up West Clinton Ave., until you get to the traffic light at Knickerbocker Road. * Turn right on Knickerbocker and Trinity comes up on the right-hand side just before the next traffic light.
From Route 4:
Take the Grand Avenue exit off Rt. 4 into Englewood heading north. Continue on Grand Avenue through the downtown business district of Englewood and past Englewood Hospital into Tenalfy (approx. 2 miles). In Tenafly, the road changes names to Engle Street. Take Engle Street to the first traffic light in Tenafly. This is East Clinton Avenue. Turn left on East Clinton Avenue down the long hill and through the downtown (bear left at Mt. Carmel church) and up West Clinton Ave, until you get to the traffic light at Knickerbocker Rd. * Continue as above.